Youth Transition Services

Te Tuarāwharau

Youth Transitional Housing Services

We have been operating our Youth Transition Housing (YTH) model since early 2018 – with houses now supporting young people in Dunedin (YTH Ōtepoti) and Invercargill (YTH Waihōpai). 

We developed the YTH model to support 16 – 19 year olds who would otherwise be homeless to successfully transition to independent living, while developing their essential living skills, creating educational and employment pathways, and enhancing their physical, mental and social resilience.

YTH addresses the specific challenges faced by young people who are homeless – a group that frequently slips between the cracks in housing statistics. To deliver YTH, we work closely with a number of local service providers to best meet the needs of young people across Otago and Southland, to achieve the best possible outcomes for our rakatahi – in terms of sustainable accommodation, personal wellbeing and development, and achievement in education, training and employment. 

Youth Transition Housing Overview:

Supportive flatting environment to learn group living skills and prepare for the next steps towards independent living.

  • The house can accommodate 6 young people at any one time.

  • We will support Residents to enrol in an education or training course or become engaged in suitable employment.

  • Evening and overnight support and supervision is provided by staff at the house.

  • Individual case management and accommodation plans are developed with our Taituara a Hapori/
    Community Services Specialist and Kairuruku Whare - Kaupapa Rakatahi/Co-ordinator YTH Waihopai.

  • Individual assistance with job and accommodation searching.

  • On-site access to personal development and life skills initiatives and health services.

  • Supported referrals to specialist providers (GPs, addiction, mental health services etc.).

  • On-going post-residency support from Taituara a Hapori/Community Services Specialist to ensure successful transitions.

  • Work with resident's current supports and services. 


  • Aged 16-19.
  • Mild to moderate support needs.
  • Up to 52 weeks.
  • In education/training/work within two weeks of moving in (sustained throughout residency).
  • Not drug or alcohol affected at any time during their residency.
  • When resident, stay most nights at house.




We are now actively working on establishing more YTH facilities, and on adapting the YTH model to support other young people with their transitional housing needs – including young mothers, people exiting state care, and people requiring support with bail and/or reintegration from prison.

Youth ServicesYouth services