Young Mums Transition House

He Kāika Whāwhārua

In August 2022 Methodist Mission Southern (MMS) opened a Young Mums Transition House (YMTH) in Waihōpai, which provides a safe and nurturing environment for teenage mums and their pēpi/babies – helping them to successfully transition towards independent living.

While teenage pregnancies have been on the decline in New Zealand, our rates remain high compared to other countries. Without timely support, some of our younger mums may be at greater risk of experiencing negative health, education, employment and social outcomes, but when the right support is provided, young mums and their pēpi are absolutely capable of thriving.

The Young Mums Transition House receives referrals from Govt agencies, NGO/community providers, and self-referrals from rakatahi and their whānau. MMS provides specialist support via our Taituarā a Hāpori/Community Services Specialist (as in our other transitional houses) to support our residents to work towards their social, education and employment goals, and to find suitable options for independent living. Our team of support workers in the house ensure residents are safe and supported while living in the house and are developing important living skills – empowering young mums to be successful and self-reliant, and to raise healthy, resilient tamariki.

With our strengths-based, client-led practices, we support young mums to have successful futures.



  • Who are primarily between 16 and 19 years of age however other age groups may be considered.
  • Who are either in the very late stage of their pregnancy and/or who have a child under 24 months.
  • Primary caregiver.
  • Otago or Southland.
  • Mild to moderate support needs.
  • Up to 52 weeks.
  • Not drug or alcohol affected at any time during their residency.
  • When resident, stay most nights at house. 

 Purpose of the Programme:

  • Accommodate 3 mothers and their children at a time.
  • Evening and night-time support and supervision provided by overnight staff at the house.
  • Individual case management and action plans with the Taituarā a Hāpori/Community Support Specialist and Kairuruku Whare – Kaupapa Hāpu Mama/YMTH Co-ordinator using Feedback Informed Treatment and quality assurance systems to monitor progress towards goals.
  • Supported access to parenting resources, ongoing supports, and any maternal health care that may be needed.
  • Individual assistance with accommodation searching, and any goals related to employment or education.
  • Supported referrals to specialist providers (GPs, addiction, mental health services etc.).
  • Ongoing post-residency support from Taituarā a Hāpori (Community Support Specialist) to ensure successful transitions.


If you would like to find out more about the operation of YMTH, please contact Christine
at or 021 514 264.